Wednesday, February 28, 2007




Its all fixed and voting has started, so if you want to go vote go here

I had a real moment of self doubt last night when I saw my LO there with all the others. But I have since had my bottom booted and Although I am always going to be a defetist, I accept that it is my style and if it doesnt get through, so be it. I love the LO, its me all over.

So have fun voting, and remember to support the Aussies!!!!!

Oh, and I also did a LO last night. This one is for the scrapapple 8 week challenge. It is about a perfect day for you. This is mine, me all alone on Yasawa-I-Rara, Fiji. Absolute perfection. The day this photo was taken we were the first off the boat and the sand was pristing, it was like we were discovering our own tropical paradise. Think Brooke Sheilds and Christopher Atkins in Blue Lagoon. Yep, that movie was filmed here, just gorgeous!

Bye for now, will be updating tomorrow with the news that I didnt make it through.
PML, couldnt resist! ;)

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

I woke up to

an inbox of emails from all the girls in the Idol top 50. Seems MM was having a few technical problems, and they weren't able to start the voting. You see the voting started at 9am US time, so it was about 3am here. Still hasnt happened, probably tomorrow.

Thankyou to all of you who have visited scrap n crazy and said hi. Would love for all my scrappy friends to pop in!

And thanks for reminding me Julie, about why I was feeling under the weather the other day.
Big night. Too big. But FUN!

Ok, thats all from me, absolutely nothing going on, hope to do some scrapping this evening!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Another one!

Well, I finished and uploaded my LO for Idol yesterday, so its out of my hands now. I wont upload it just yet, will wait until I know I can.

But I do have a LO to share. This one was for the cybercrop on the weekend at forever always. Based on a Becky Flek sketch. Love how it turned out.

MM papers, love the pink and orange together.

I also found a really great online store.... [url=]Really just ribbons[/url] , my idea of heaven, lots and lots of ribbons. Very nice! The link is in the side bar, but I am going to try and make the words a link too, hopefully it works. So go check it out!
Hmmmmmm, dont know if I have done that right!

I am having a blast at Scrap 'N Crazy. Its a really cool forum guys, would love for you to come and join in. We are going to be having a cyber crop soo, and there are some great weekly challenges. Pop in and say hi!

Dont forget to vote for Idol tomorrow morning until 10am Wed morning. I have been told too that if there are too many votes from a single computer that person will be disqualified. How would that happen? People vote for themselves many times? I honestly couldn't be bothered.

Well, thats it from me. Have a good one everyone!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

An announcement, and HUGE thanks!!!!!

Hi girlies!

I have an announcement!

I am very excited to announce that I have joined the design team at scrap 'n crazy ( along with my fellow designers Sharryn and Penny!

I would so love for all of you to come and join us there, it's going to be too much fun!!!

And I also just wanted to say a HUGE thanks for all the messages of congratulations and good wishes regarding the MM Idol comp. I still dont quite belivie it. I am going to have my page finished for this round shortly, but wont upload it here as I am not sure if I am allowed to.

Voting starts Tuesday 27th of Feb at 3am and finishes Wed 28th at 10am OUR time.

I certainly dont expect to get through this round. I cant wait to see the amazing art created by all the finalists.

I have been cyber cropping all weekend at forever always. Has been heaps of fun! Two LO's done so far, need to get one more finished.
LOVE this one, love how it turned out. Was an ad inspiration challenge, I used a pumpkin patch ad.
And love this one too! Love the crate paper, its gorgeous! Not a very attractive pic of me I'm afraid, but you get that! 33 weeks pregnant, seems like forever ago!
Ok, will update a bit better tomorrow, feeling a bit ordinary today. Will tell you all why tomorrow!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

MM Idol Top 50

I cant quite believe it, but I am one of the top 50. I am so proud of myself, and really dont care if I make it through to another round. Although that would be an even bigger achievement!

Have a look here.
And a great big huge congratulations to the lovely Melissa Heather, owner of scrapworld ---> link over there, who also made it to the top 50. And Chris Millar is there too!

These are the items that I entered
This would have to be one of my favourite pages of all time
And I do like this one too
And my monogram.

So glad they liked them too!

I have been pretty busy over the past few days, scrapping away
This one I did for the 8 week challenge at scrapapple. Love th9is photo of Aodhan, he looks so easygoing and natural.
And this one was based on a Becky Fleck sketch, and is for the sketch comp at scrapworld. It feels unfinished, so I may add to it after I have had a chance to think!
Well, I need to go and put my thinking cap on, a page about me.....hmmmmmmm

Friday, February 16, 2007


I am so good at this! I start something and dont want to finish it in case I come up with a better idea. I have been trying to finish the case I started, going VERY slowly. I did manage to get 1 DT page done though, couple more and she'll be apples! So hopefully over the course of today and this evening I will manage to get the case finished.

There hasn't been much happening. It has been a bit hot and sticky. We had a great storm yesterday afternoon! Aodhan loves thunder and now understands that when the lightening strikes thunder will follow. He's so funny! Probably the only kid who isnt scared by it, but we made sure he wouldnt be. Instead of playing up how frightening it can be we laughed and made a big deal of the clouds crashing! At least if there is a storm in the middleof the night he wont wake up screaming. Well he will, but he will be screaming for more! LOL.
I was having one of those all day chats to Julie on MSN the other day, and things went very quiet. Ciara lets herself out onto the deck, just slides the door open and off she goes. I dont worry, there's nothing that she can hurt herself on. So anyway it goes very quiet and I can hear Ciara P'ing herself laughing. Off I go to investigate, and this is what I found.

She was loving it, having an absolute ball! She was covered in dirt! I said to Julie, do you think I would get away with not throwing them in the bath! Um nope!
Ok, thats about it from me, going to try and take advantage of Ciara being asleep and Aodhan playing quietly!
Haven't forgotten about the circle journal, and will keep mentioning it until we have at least 6 people. You're in Melissa! And Tammy and Mardi, think hard!
And great idea about the notebook by my bed Tam, have used it already! I think my brain starts working overtime when I get into bed, becauseI am actually quiet and still!
Have a good one!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I have an idea......

I am sleeping terribly at the moment, I get into bed and just lie there for hours. So my mind has been churning out stuff and I came up with this idea.

Anyone interested in doing a circle journal, but with a difference? Instead of waiting months for your album to come back, I thought that everyone could do a number of pages, all the same design, for the number of people in the journal. Say there were 12 people, you would need to do 12 6x6 pages, all in the same design, although you could use different colours and embellies, especially if you knew what someones fave colours were. Does that make sense? It would probably end up being cheaper in postage too, because instead of sending a pizza box every month, you would be sending out 12 A4 envelopes.

If anyone is interested give me a hoy in the comments. Hopefully you all want to give it a go, otherwise I will post at the boxx.

Well I finished my whiteboard yesterday, but decided it needed more work this am, so have been playing with that. Its looking very pretty. And I think it will be a good thing to look at for all my scrappy reminders. I have been thinking of asking the owner of my LSS if she would like me to do a class on it, with a matching photo frame maybe.

And I finished my monogram for the scrapapple 8 week challenge. It's very girly. You know its funny, all my girliness seems to come out in my scrapping. I am so NOT a girly girl.
Whats up with the kids?

Aodhan has started telling me he loves me, with no prompting from me. I always tell him I love him as I am putting him to be or having cuddles, but he always says it after I have. Yesterday we were playing on the floor and he turned to me and said, "love you Mummy". Guess what I did? Started howling, probably scared the crap out of him and he will never say it again.

Ciara is back to her normal cheeky little self, so although no teeth have cut, they have obviously settled down. May pop through a bit easier next time, without as much pain. She's so sweet. She will be playing in the lounge and as I come wheeling the highchair in she goes ferral, does a power crawl, and cacks herself laughing. She will then stop and clap herself! She's so cute!

Ok, better go do some scrapping, have to get my 123 challenge page done, and my DT pack arrived this am too, so lots to do!

Have a tink about the circle journal and let me know!

Monday, February 12, 2007


I am OTP crazy ATM! I am in the process of alteringa case, a whiteboard and I now have to do a monogram. They are all works in progress at present, but when I do get them finished, I will be sure to upload them. I am really liking how they are going, and really enjoying making them too.

The monogram is for this week of the 8 week challenge at scrapapple. I am feeling very blah about this comp. I dont really have a chance of coming close to winning as there are so many talented scrappers in it, and really just feel like throwing in the towel. I dont know why I feel like this, I am loving the challenges, they are great, very original, and I am loving the work I am producing, but I just feel flat about it. But I will stick it out, I can not quit, I always finish what I start!

I did a quick LO over the weekend, using the pic of Aodhan from the last post. Such a good photo, such a cute little boy!

I love these scenic route papers, have had them sitting there for ages. Really like this LO, looks crooked as usual though. I swear, you all must think my head sits at an angle, every LO looks crooked. It's not, its sits on straight, it's just full of air at times, lol!
Hi to everyone who has been popping in and leaving a comment. I do read them I am just terrible at remembering if you have asked me anything....has to do with that air in my head!
Ok, better go, have lots of scrapping to do, and I need to go put the solar heating on in the pool, should be warm enough to swim this week!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Absolutely nothing

going on, certainly no scrapping. Just havent been in the mood.

Glenn pulled some muscles in his back on Tuesday night, doing weights the wrong way. So he has been home, and a dying swan. The doc gave him some meds, I scoffed and said "they aint gonna do nothing", so I sent him back yesterday and said ask for valium. He did and he now has some relief. Silly boy.

Ciara is finally less grumpy and eating better. So hopefully because of that my mojo may come's hoping!

I have a white board to alter. I bought it so I can write down all the challenges I need to complete, I enter so many now its not funny. So I want to get that done, hopefully will be pretty!

Thought I would share this pic I took of Aodhan last week. Why couldnt he do this at christmas time? Little monkey! Cute though!

Well thats about it from me. Have a good weekend everyone!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Decisions, decisions!

I got a phone call from the endoscopy clinic where I worked after I had Aodhan yesterday afternoon. They may have a shift for me shortly. One 5 hour shift per week, same day each week. Sounds perfect doesn't it? Child care is my fist priority. My Mother in law looked after Aodhan for the 2 days that I did work, but she had said that it would be too much looking after 2. So I was starting to think about my options and decided I would ring the council about family day care. After speaking to them, my MIL rang! I told her what was going on, and she said she would love to have them. I would drop them off and Glenn would pick them up. So if this does happen, that will be great, I will not worry about them. They will be well looked after. And if it does happen, we will have an extra $500 a month in our pockets. That will be nice.

So now I just wait and see what happens. I'm in two minds. I would like to start getting my hands dirty again, dealing with all those medical problems that always seem to happen on my shift. Just call me nurse death. But I dont know if its the right thing to do kidlet wise. I have a feeling it is, will be good for both of them to have different toys and scenery. Just have to convince myself.

So I may be going back to work. And while one 5 hour shift doesnt sound like much, its hard work. I dont sit down, am constantly watching my patients, and will be exhausted. But I think it may be a good exhaustion. I think I need the adult interaction too. And to use my brain.

Ok, enough about that!

Here is a LO I finished this morning. It is for week 3 of the scrapapple 8 week challenge. I am a bit iffy with this one. Just dont know. A shocking pic of the LO as usual, but it was really hard scrapping an inamimate object. You see the brief was red, but NO people! Oh well, its done and thats that!

So thats all that has been going on. Ciara is still pretty miserable, a smidge better this am. Glenn has hurt his back doing weights, silly boy! Have a good one girls!

Monday, February 05, 2007


It's so hot. It's 10am and its alread sweltering. But hopefully will get some thunderstorms tonight. Love storm!
I wanted to get to the post office this morning before it got really hot, but Ciara was just miserable, so will have to go at lunchtime, so hopefully wont be too hot then.

It's too hot to do anything. I would love to take the kids for a swim, but I am REALLY nervous about being in the pool with both of them by myself. Aodhan I dont worry about, he gets in his floatie chair and swims himself around. Ciara however will throw herself forward in her chair, and her face ends up in the water. I am petrified that if my attention is diverted for 20 seconds by Aodhan and she does that, well, dont really want to think about it.

A0dhan is doing OK with the toilet thing. he did another wee on the loo yesterday, so knows what needs to be done. He just hasn't realised yet that its boring sitting there. He thinks he is going to get a car for just sitting there. But at least he realises that if he does do wee he gets a hot rod! I reckon by the end of this I will be keeping hot wheels in production.

This LO is what I did for last weeks Elsie challenge. You had to use a number. Another wedding pic, over them now I think.

This weeks challenge is to scraplift a LO. Not sure who I want to lift yet, will have to go through my faves. But I was so honoured to have danielle77 say that she was scraplifting my style! WOW! And she did a great job too, go have a look at the scrapboxx gallery. I think you have to be signed in to view the challenges though.

And a big HUGE congrats goes out to Julie Dudley. This very talented woman has won week 2 of the scrapapple 8 week challenge! WTG Julie. Fabulous LO too, just gorgeous.

Well gotta go, lots of scrapping to get done!

Saturday, February 03, 2007

Hot, hot, hot!

Man it's been warm today! And it's goig to be a scorcher tomorrow. Good weather for swimming!

Ciara is still very miserable, but I have tried a natural remedy for teething today, and it seems to be helping. She is nowhere near as grizzly, and even her cheeks aren't as red. She is still gnawing everything, but doesnt seem to be in as much pain. Poor little possum!

After we had been swimming, Aodhan was running around in the nude. he was asking Glenn what "that" was, you know, THAT! So Glenn was telling him thats his penis and thats where his wee comes from. So Aodhan says "I want to do wees on the toilet" AND HE DID!!!!!!!!!! As a reward I put some Bob the builder jocks on him and said he could have a car. He was wrapped, and so was I.

So we were eating our tea and Aodhan was playing in the lounge. I asked him if he wanted to go for a wee, and he said no. Not 30 seconds later he walks in saying "Aodhan done a stinky poo" Oh well, he will get it eventually. We just explained to him that he needs to do poo and wee on the toilet if he wears jocks. So he chose to have a nappy on after that. I dont really want to push him, he will do it when he is ready, and I am not worried at all. So that was a HUGE thing for him, and he was so pleased with himself. We will give it another go tomorrow, and just see how it goes!

I went to a cyber crop at scrapworld last night. I won a trivia challenge and will recieve a Heidi Swapp pack, YAY!!!!! Love Heidi!

There were 3 challenges, one had to be done by tonight and was based on a sketch. Tjis is my interpretation.
Basic Grey papers, Heidi Swapp florals, bazzill blossums, LDD blossum, A/C letter stickers. And I think that was a collections CB swirl. Dont know how happy I am with this one though.
And this one I entered in the weekly challenge at the Boxx. LOVE this one. Had to use hearts and ribbons. Theres also some Heidi bling and stamps there too. SEI papers.
I think I'm in a really girly, pretty scrap phase at the moment, I am really enjoying scrapping these wedding pics. I am really enjoying scrapping full stop! And thats good isnt it!
We may be off to a car show tomorrow. There is a classic car show in Bacchus Marsh, starts at 10. Which means that we wont be able to go until after 11 or so, cos Ciara doesnt wake up until then. So if it's too hot, Glenn will go with Aodhan and the girls will miss out. I would really like to go, but thems the breaks!
Try and stay cool, have a good one!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Everything is breaking!

On Saturday we had to go and buy an new TV. Now the oven has packed up. But hopefully that is only the element, fingers crossed. Wonder what will be next.

Ok, I can share my DT LO's. You really should go check out the gallery at One Stop Scrapping, its a lovely little community brimming with talent!
Ok, this first one I love, its so bright and the photo is just so cool! Lots of glitter too, love it!
I love the next one too. The papers were doodlebug designs, and they are a really nice blue and red, nice and bright.
Ok, this next one I love too. I am really impressed with the autumn leaves stamps, they are divine. I got a little sick of scrapping the kids pics yesterday, so pulled out a wedding one!
And this is one I did the other day, love these ribbons galore jacquard rbbons, so pretty!
Would just like to say HI to all the lovely ladies who come for a visit and leave a comment. Make sure you say HI if you do pop in!
Have a wonderful weekend all, we are hopefully going to be swimming!!!!!
And thanks for all you get better Ciara vibes. She is so miserable, poor wee darlin, she has had 3 runny nappies this morning already, her poor little bottom is red raw. Hopefully these teeth cut soon, but I may take her to the docs this afternoon anyway, just for peace of mind.