Friday, December 08, 2006

Not much happening!

Not going to talk about baby girls, over it. I tried the offering her water overnight, worked well wed night. But then Glenn goes and feeds her at 1am last night....NO IDEA!!! so back to square 1 we are. She's crawling really fast now too.

I have won a couple of scrapping challenges in the past few days. One was at scrap n save, a small online shop here in Vic. $25 voucher, so I got me some chipboard. Another at scrapworld. That one was to use fabric on a LO, $20 voucher, so I got me some....yep chipboard. None of the papers out there take my fancy at the mo, so CB is something I will use forever.

With the boxx being offline, I joined up at a couple of other forums. Traitorus I know, but what can ya do. And to be in the chance for a $20 voucher, well makes sense doesnt it. I am keeping my eye on Zigzag scrapbooking. 2 of their DT members have recently resigned, so hopefully they will have a DT call. I would love to apply for that.

Now you all must go and visit Some very yummy new stuff comming out soon. Stripped chip, the alphas, and lots of shapes and swirls etc, look really good. Cant wait for them to arrive here, and I may even try and get some from the US on ebay.

I have been making myself scrap, helps me to relax a bit. Have 3 unfinished LO's on the go. Need glitter for one, lots of stitching for another, and one I have just completely stuffed up, need to change the title.

I got some of the MM ready to glitter stickers and glitter the other day. The stickers are like DS tape, adhesive both sides. So you stick down on your project, then peel off the top and then sprinkle the glitter. The glitter is gorgeous, superfine, but dont know about doing it on your LO.....can imagine glitter everywhere.

Well, have to go get the car packed up, we are off down to Mum's, I am teaching the kids at Glenns school today. Will be glad of the couple of hours off. I know that sounds terrible, but I've had enough. If I have to listen to Ciara squealing for much longer I am going to walk out and not come back/. Bugger, didnt want to make this post about that- disregard, I will be fine as soon as she sorts herself out....and with a lot of hard work from me.

Aodhan pulled a pic of the christening off the bench yesterday. My sister is holding Ciara. He goes.... buby sister and JUSTINE!!!!! he has been calling my sister shay shay (JJ) for ages, but yesterday decided he would grow up just that tiny bit more.

37 degrees here tomorrow, hopefully will get some swimming done. Then rain on sunday after noon, hopefully it will rain where its needed....over the fires and put them out to a manageable degree. All those poor people losing their livlihood.

14 days till school holidays......10 school days.

have a good one everyone!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Dee,
Sorry to read that things are still stressful at your house. I have been known to leave
Conner in his cot crying and gone outside to have a ,moke or even water some plants just because "I have to" remember that your not alone and if you need a break then please ask DH to take over. There is nothing worse than listening to a baby constantly crying :( Did your DH forget to give Ciara water? Sometimes it can get so frustrating. You sound as if you are doing a fabulous job! Keep up the great work and stay strong :-)
Glad to hear that you won some comps!!!!! Yippee!!! Gotta love chipboard LOL!! I have looked at a few other websites and even tried some looking for DT members too PMSLOL! Great minds think alike;-)
Sometimes I wish we lived in the same state Dee as we sound very similar in our thinking.
Tammy X

08 December, 2006 16:25  
Blogger Sharryn Thomson said...

Oh mate..bummer about really takes the enjoyment out of it all doesn't it when they're like that? It really becomes a chore. I'm sure she'll settle down soon enough. I know at the moment thats not much consolation but it will happen.
How cool that you've won some comps! I'm with you on the chipboard..I can't get enough of the stuff. Love it! :)
Hopefully you'll get time to play with it.
Sharryn :)

08 December, 2006 19:43  
Blogger Julie said...

u Go girl, winning all these comp's.....Yipeee
& when G2 goes to feed her & stuff up ur plans again...tell him he'll have to stay home with her through the week days as well...yeh right...I know... but I guess he may have been just trying to help.
How cute that ur little man said Justine....before u know it he'll be off to kinder!
Hope the lesson went well for ya. I bet ya had heaps of fun!
& Shhhhh about school holiday's! *LA la la la* can't hear u!
Hope u snap that gorgeous girl of ur's into shape...soon too.
Have a great weekend swimming...ya lucky duck!

09 December, 2006 13:36  
Blogger Julie said...

Oh dear Dee. Hope you manage to sort out that cheeky one of yours. I'd keep the water going if you can.

Congrats on the comp wins. It is always a nice feeling when you win something.

10 December, 2006 10:38  
Blogger Mardi said...

Hi Dee...what a bummer your little munchkin is giving you a hard time....good luck with the controlled crying when you get some nights alone to try worked really well with my number one.

Im so happy for you winning all those competitions too...thats so wonderful and enjoy your yummy new CB.

Good luck with the DT thing...I serioiusly hope it comes up and you get the oppurtunity...your work is just gorgeous,.

Hugs to you ...Mardi xx

10 December, 2006 20:14  
Anonymous Lukas Carter said...

Apprreciate you blogging this

03 April, 2022 04:13  

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